New Media, New Partnerships?

New Media, New Partnerships?

Citizen Journalists, in particular political Bloggers, are playing an increasingly influential role as opinion shapers and information suppliers in a number of countries. In particular in countries lacking pluralistic and independent media structures, citizen journalists often use the Internet to express opinions who are not voiced in other public media. The group of bloggers who created Ushahidi in Kenya, the regime critical Egyptian and Tunisian Bloggers are just the more prominent examples.

But with everybody being a journalist, the providers of infrastructure and the mere communication networks (i.e. telecom companies) become more important than the traditional broadcasting organizations.

The session will address the questions:

  • How can media development organizations, citizen journalists and media entrepreneurs work together to promote free, independent and quality media?
  • If i.e. the aim is to build independent media landscapes, who are the players who need to be involved and supported in the future?
  • Who are the future partners and target groups for media development cooperation? Should development cooperation support citizen journalists and networks and if so how?
  • Who and what is already being supported, with what objectives?
  • How can traditional media organizations, citizen media organizations and media entrepreneurs work together?

Ivan Sigal – Global Voices Online
A.S. Panneerselvan – PANOS South Asia

Patrick Leusch – DW-Akademie

Global Voices Online
PANOS South Asia
“Video Interview with David Hoffman of Internews” at
“The pros and pros of citizen journalism” at OJR
“But is it journalism? (Damnit)” at BuzzMachine

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