Only one month to go

FoME 2011 Symposium is only four weeks away…

We are excited to announce our key note speakers
Mark Thompson – Open Society Foundation/Media Program
Victor Gotisan – Mapping Digital Media/Moldova
Roberto Belicanec– Mapping Digital Media/Macedonia
“Mapping Digital Media – The Impact of Digital Technology on Journalism”

Justin Arenstein, international media expert, will be sharing insights from his work with Forum for African Investigative Reporters (FAIR) and the African Association of Independent Publishers, Africa Google and the newly founded organization “Rest of the World Media”.

In addition Ivan Sigal (Global Voices Online) has joined our session “New Media, New Partnerships?“ and Thaweeporn Kummetha (Thai Netizen Network) will be sharing her experiences from Thailand in the session “Security Threats in the Digital Era”.

We have updated the program and keep adding speaker profiles. Check it out. Session plans will follow shortly. Keep following @FoME_Symposium and/or subscribe to our newsfeed.