Middle East and North Africa

The Economist: The online ummah

Anita Breuer, German Development Institute (GDI): The Role of Social Media in Mobilizing Political Protest. Evidence from the Tunisian Revolution.
(.pdf) http://www.die-gdi.de/CMS-Homepage/openwebcms3_e.nsf/(ynDK_contentByKey)/ANES-8Y8J7L/$FILE/DP%2010.2012.pdf

Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union: After the Arab Spring: New Paths for Human Rights and the Internet in European Foreign Policy.
(.pdf) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/studiesdownload.html?languageDocument=EN&file=75431

Timothy Karr / Clothilde Le Coz: Corporations and the Arab Net Crackdown.

With this and following posts tagged “background“, we share interesting and noteworthy background readings with you. We hope to provide you with relevant information regarding FoME Symposium From Online Activism to Offline Action. Digital Media and Democratic Space