Christian Mihr
Christian Mihr is a journalist, international media policy expert and human rights professional. He has been the Executive Director of Reporters without Borders Germany (RWB) since 2012. At RWB he’s especially dealing with questions of cyber-censorship, online-safety and press freedom in the digital age. Regionally he’s especially interested in Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Belarus and Russia.
Prior to joining RWB he worked for n-ost Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe. At n-ost he was the senior editor of euro|topics, a multilingual press-review, which in 2009 was nominated for the Grimme Online Award.
Furthermore he worked for as an editor and freelancer for various print- and online-media in Germany and Ecuador & as a journalism-trainer for a German foundation in Southern Russia.
Throughout Europe he has been giving trainings for journalists and lecturing at several universities on international media & internet regulation policies. He (co-)designed and developed training-programs on transnational investigations and access to information.
He studied journalism with a specialization in Latin American Studies at the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt and the University of Santiago de Chile.