Programme 2013

“Promoting Alternative Views in a Multipolar World: BRICS and their Evolving Role in Developing Media Markets”

Download the final programme (.pdf)

October 10th, 8.45am – 5.30pm

8.45 am

9.15 am
Address of Welcome
Robert Bosch Stiftung

9.30 am
Soft Power and Emerging Nations: Media (Development) for the National Cause
Mr Daya Thussu
Professor of International Communication
University of Westminster, London, UK

Plenum Discussion

10.15 am
Coffee Break

10.45 am
Country Case Russia
How Moscow Understands the Role of Media to Achieve
Soft Power
Mr Alexey Dolinskiy
Ward Howell Institute, Moscow, Russia

Panel Discussion: The Russian Approach and its Application and Perception
in Central Asia
Mr Alexey Dolinskiy
Ward Howell Institute, Moscow, Russia
Mr Ivan Rodionov
Senior Editor
Ruptly Video News Agency, Berlin, Germany
Ms Elmira Toktogulova
Media Consult Foundation, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Moderator: Christian Mihr
Executive Director
Reporter without Borders Germany, Berlin, Germany

Plenum Discussion

12.00 pm
Lunch Break

1.00 pm
Country Case South Africa
Approaches towards Media Development in the Region and
Perception of International Media Assistance
Mr Herman Wasserman
Professor of Journalism and Media Studies
Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

Plenum Discussion

Country Case China
Strategies and Objectives to Attract New Audiences Abroad
Mr Anbin Shi
Professor of Media and Cultural Studies
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Xinhua News Agency
China News for World Service, Beijing, China
Ms Jillo Kadida
The Star, Nairobi, Kenya
Mr Herman Wasserman
Professor of Journalism and Media Studies
Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

Moderator: Patrick Leusch
Head International Cooperation
Deutsche Welle Akademie, Bonn, Germany

Plenum Discussion Comparisons, Similarities, Distinctions
of Russian, Chinese and South African Approaches

3.00 pm
Coffee Break

3.30 pm, 1st floor
Breakaway Groups
4 Working Groups discussing: Media Assistance – Challenges and Changing Expectations

4.30 pm
Plenum Discussion Presentation of Breakaway Groups – Discussion with Experts and the Audience

5.30 pm
End of Day One

October 11th, 8.45am – 2.00pm

8.45 am

9.15 am
Country Case India
Soft Power Made by Bollywood
Mr Daya Thussu
Professor of International Communications
University of Westminster, London, UK

Effects of Indian Soft Power in Egypt
Ms Naila Hamdy
Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication
American University, Cairo, Egypt

Plenum Discussion
Moderator: Sofie Jannusch
Aachen, Germany

10.30 am
Coffee Break

11.00 am
Country Case Brazil
Brazilian Soft Power – Telenovelas in Africa and elsewhere
Mr Joseph Straubhaar
Professor of Communications
University of Texas at Austin, USA

Effects of Brazilian Soft Power in Mozambique
Mr Ouri Pota Pacamutondo
Radio Mozambique, Maputo, Mozambique

Plenum Discussion
Moderator: Christoph Dietz
Aachen, Germany

12.15 pm
Promoting Alternative Views in a Multipolar World: Final Statements of Symposium Speakers
Plenum Discussion

1.00 pm

2.00 pm
End of Symposium