Programme FoME Symposium 2014 - Audience Research in Media Development: Is it Fo(r) ME?


18.00-20.00 Ten Years of German Media Development Network FoME. Challenges Ahead: New Requirements on Impact, the Digital Agenda and the Post 2015 Framework


9.00 Audience Research & Media Development, Part 1

Moderation: Christoph Dietz, CAMECO

  • Welcome Addresses
    Daniela Frank, Catholic Media Council (CAMECO), Aachen/Germany
    Werner Neven, Conference of International Broadcasters’ Audience Research Services (CIBAR), Bonn
  • Comparing Media Usage Patterns in Africa, Asia, MENA & Latin America
    Pablo Diego-Rosell, Gallup, Madrid/Spain
  • Audience Research in Developing Markets: A Role for International Media Assistance?
    Mark Nelson, Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA), Washington DC
  • How Audience Research Impacts on Media Businesses: Examples From the Field
    Peter Whitehead, Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), Washington DC

11.00 Audience Research & Media Development, Part 2

Moderation: Christoph Dietz, CAMECO

  • Understanding Audience Needs: The Role of Audience Research in Shaping Programmes. Experiences from Burma, Afghanistan and India
    Chris Larkin, BBC Media Action, London
  • Citizen Consultation on Media and News Quality in Bolivia
    Erick Torrico, National Media Observatory (ONADEM), La Paz/Bolivia
  • Audience Research and Cultural Identity in Africa: An Anthropological Perspective
    Francis Nyamnjoh, University of Cape Town/South Africa

14.00 Audience Research Under Difficult Conditions

Moderation: Gunnar Löfgren, MICT

  • Methodological and Logistical Challenges of Audience Research in Conflict Zones: Studying News Media Uses of Syrians
    Jad Melki, American University of Beirut/Lebanon
    Anke Fiedler, Media in Cooperation and Transition (MICT), Berlin
  • Creating an Audience Ratings System in the World’s Youngest Nation: A New Set of Challenges
    Natalie Forcier, Forcier Consulting, Juba/South Sudan
  • Audience Research for Exiled Media: Challenges and Opportunities. Case Study of the European Radio for Belarus
    Maria Sadovskaya-Komlach, European Radio for Belarus, Warsaw/Poland
  • Blocked, Scared and Hungry for News: How UZ-News Knows and Relates to its Audiences in Uzbekistan
    Galima Bukharbaeva, Uzbekistan Press Freedom Group, Bishkek/Kyrgyzstan

17.00 Defining and Segmenting Audiences

Moderation: Colin Wilding, Audience Research Consultant

  • SINUS Meta-Milieus: How Value-Based Segmentation Leverages Media Research Beyond Socio-Demographics
    Matthias Arnold, Sinus-Institut, Heidelberg/Germany
  • Understanding Media and Communication Needs for Audiences in Asia: Audience Segmentation from a 7 Country Study in Asia
    Chris Larkin, BBC Media Action, London

18.00  Gathering to Toast 45 years of CAMECO

20.00-22.30 Guided Walk in Bonn City Centre: “From the Romans to Beethoven” (optional, start at GSI)


9.00 Strengthening Audience Research Capacities, Part 1

Moderation: Sofie Jannusch, CAMECO

  • Media Audience Research in Africa: Where Are We, and Where Should We Go?
    Paul Haupt, Pan-African Media Research Organisation (PAMRO), South Africa
  • An Audience in Ones and Ceros: The Digital Audience Measurement Journey in South Africa
    Jarred Cinman, Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) South Africa / Native VML, Johannesburg/South Africa
  • In-house vs. External Audience Research: Sharing 10 years of experience with Fondation Hirondelle
    Olivier Lechien, Fondation Hirondelle, Lausanne/Switzerland

11.00 Strengthening Audience Research Capacities, Part 2

Moderation: Sofie Jannusch, CAMECO

  • Making Media Markets Work: The Nepal Experience
    Gavin Anderson, The Springfield Center, Durham/UK
    Paul Haupt, Pan-African Media Research Organisation (PAMRO), South Africa
  • How To Do It Yourself: A Capacity Building Process in Three Stages for Community-Oriented Radio Stations in Uganda on Measuring and Understanding Their Audiences
    Petra Stammen, Catholic Media Council (CAMECO), Aachen/Germany
  • Audience Research Training for Local Radios in Afghanistan
    Dirk Spilker, Media in Cooperation and Transition (MICT), Berlin

12.30 Audience Research in Media Development: What Did We Learn And Where Does It Lead Us?
Moderation: Colin Wilding, Audience Research Consultant

  • Final Statements of Symposium Speakers and Plenary Discussion