
During the symposium, reference has been made to the following publications by their respective authors:

Manske, Julia (2015): Von anderen Ländern lernen: Impulse für die Deutsche Entwicklungspolitik in Umgang mit dem Digitalen Wandel, Policy Brief of Stiftung Neue Verantwortung

Lublinski, Jan/ Spurk, Christoph et al. (2015): Triggering change: How investigative journalists in Sub-Saharan Africa contribute to solving problems in society, in: Journalism, published online on October 18, 2015

Noske-Turner, Jessica (2015): 10 years of evaluation practice in media assistance: Who, when, why and how?, in: NORDICOM Review: Nordic research on media and communication, Vol. 36, 41-56 p.

Noske-Turner, Jessica (2014): Evaluating the impacts of media assistance: Problems and principles, in: Global Media Journal, Vol. 4 (2), 1–21 p.