Current evaluation practices and more effective media development evaluation
Jessica-Noske Turner presented the findings of her research on current evaluation practice, in which she assessed 47 evaluation reports and interviewed various experts from the field of media assistance, coming to the conclusion that “few media assistance evaluations manage to provide sound evidence of impacts on governance and social change”. Jessica’s analysis and recommendations were used as an opening of exchange among participants about their experience with current evaluation practice and options for future improvement.
Resource Person
Jessica Noske-Turner | Postdoctoral Researcher, RMIT University Melbourne
Sofie Jannusch | Consultant, CAMECO
Hosted by
Jessica Noske-Turner: Towards more effective approaches for media development
Jessica Noske-Turner is a post-doctoral researcher at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. In this interview, she highlights the findings of her research about the evaluation practice in the field of media development and expresses three wishes to the commissioners of evaluations.
Noske-Turner, Jessica (2015): 10 years of evaluation practice in media assistance: Who, when, why and how?, in: NORDICOM Review: Nordic research on media and communication, 36, 41 – 56.
Noske-Turner, Jessica (2014): Evaluating the impacts of media assistance: Problems and principles, in: Global Media Journal, 4, 1 – 21.